SoulCollage® is an engaging collage process that fosters self discovery on an on-going basis. Through the creation of individual SoulCollage® cards that begin to form an ever-evolving "deck”, SoulCollagers create opportunities to visually discover, express, acknowledge, honor, and celebrate various parts of Self, and to begin to experience Self as one vibrant whole.
Discovering Self through creativity allows what has been unconscious to enter the conscious mind where self-acceptance, transformation and integration can take place.
Discovering Self through creativity allows what has been unconscious to enter the conscious mind where self-acceptance, transformation and integration can take place.
No special artistic skills are required. The Process is a very simple one of cutting, arranging and pasting images that allow you to honor the COLORS, SHAPES, IMAGERY and PATTERNS that combine to create the essence of You. The Process can have a profound and lasting effect and it’s also so much fun!
"Soul Collage® is a system for creating a deck of cards which is a visual journal, your own living journal to which you can add over years. Your deck of SoulCollage® cards will help you identify and image your diverse inner parts, the beautiful ones and shadowy ones, the easy-to-like ones, and the harder-to-like ones. You will also reflect on the external guides and allies in your life, visible and invisible, human and archetypal, and make cards for them. A SoulCollage® deck is the Story of You. It is a tangible way to know yourself in your diversity and depth, and also to show yourself to others. You can consult them intuitively and discover wisdom within yourself which will amaze you. Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun! You will love your deck -- a multi-card Mirror of your Self and your Soul -- whether it consists of three cards or a hundred...”
-- Seena Frost, Author and creator of Soul Collage