Recently in Going Deeper With SoulCollage® group we each chose 3 of our SoulCollage® cards at random and wove them together as a Story. The story could be fact, fiction or a combination of both. Below Alison Gorski shares a story woven from the 3 cards she chose from her
SoulCollage® deck.
The Three Part Reverie
by Alison Gorski
Part 1 - The Sky, The Sea and the Sand
In the beginning, there was the sky and the sea.
Life was in the sea. God was in the sky.
But there was no place for humanity, so God
created the Earth which in this Tale is also called the sand.
Humanity arrived by God's power and it was good.
But alas, there was also evil, thus the fall of mankind.
But God forgives and loves us despite our sinful nature.
Part 2 - Time After Time
Life goes on for eons and ages. Man grows from
a small primitive tribe to the modern, urban
creature of the mid-20th century.
On December 14, 1959 at about 10:50 AM a
child is born to a 41 year old mother of 3 children
(2 sons and a daughter). She is the second
daughter of Margaret and Charles Gorski.
Her name is Alison Jane.
Alison from the English-German meaning
'of noble birth'
and Jane is the feminine version of John
from a dear friend of Mothers.
Alison grows as a strong independent woman
who despite inheriting disabilities in
thinking and emotion, is now living
a meaningful life filled with many friends
and interests and past times. Time has treated
her well and the future looks bright.
Part 3 - The Wisdom of the Eastern World
In the East the thinking is different than the West.
People of the Eastern world are more in touch
with their lives and with the natural world.
What they may lack in material wealth, they are
abumdant in wisdom and empathy.
We may think that people who live under
the influence of the Hindu and Buhhhist faiths
are too fatalistic and inscrutable.
Not like us westerners who desire control
and clarity, they are maybe more, not less,
in tune with reality.
We have much to lrearn from them.
I cannot understand yoga, meditation, or
accupuncture, but I love the intricate
patterns of their art work.
That gives me meaning and Joy!