Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sarah Gallant

I Am One Who...

 is surrendering to the perfection of the larger pattern
of my essence Self, trusting in the process.

I Am One Who...
challenges you to follow your Inner Star
to the land of your dreams

I Am One Whose...
purpose is to heal long buried
emotional wounds.
My snows are those of purification;
my rabbit hole, starry spiral galaxies
from which my ancestors
originally arrived.  Their cumulative
wisdom pours through me now
as I chant under the ponderosa
pines, with the star as my shield.
There are no secrets, no skeletons left.
We are connected at last
as snowy owl takes flight.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I like the saiding and the art work. keep up the drawing.

Cathy said...

Sarah. As always you move me in ways I can never fully express. Cathy rn