Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rita Brooks

I Am One Who...
 believes in the magic and mystery of the rainbow.
My heart finds healing in the mysteries that abides in all that surrounds me.

I Am One Who...
loves to travel. My spirit is lifted as
I fly off to new adventures
and discover new possibilities.

I Am One Who....
tries to balance the evils that lurk in dark
forboding places by extending my hands in
gentleness and strength.
IAOW protects and fights for those I love.

I Am One Who...
has been splintered and fragmented by abuse and pain
but has found new life and been restored through
transformation and hope.

Carmen Mumphrey

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

LaVerne Mumphrey

I am one who is still along the path feeling peaceful,
having no fear, among the trees and nature

I am one who has first hand experience  -
that in peaceful rest, quietness and trust is my strength... 
and my grandchildren included!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Alison Gorski

I am one who is seeking a balanced life

I am one who enjoys the journey as much as the destination

I am one who can do anything that I want to by using my
intelligence and imagination

Joanne Riley

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hope, Healing, Peace on Earth

Hi Everyone,

Please access an e-invitation to Hope, Healing and Peace on Earth - on display at Recovery Center of Hamilton County from August 26 - November 14, 2011

Hope, Healing, Peace on Earth Invitation

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Colleen O'Hara

I AM One Who...
lives to hear and enjoy the symphonies of
Mother Earth's Spirit,
without which life is dull and grey.

I Am One Who...

believes that the ones
who came before
and followed the old
ways are still with us
to help us find
the right way.

I Am One Who...
finds enjoyment in the varied colors of the
cultivated side of mother earth’s paint box.
My favorites are pansies and roses

I Am One Who..
believes that we cannot live in the present
without the influences of the past
and the hopes of the future


Rita Brooks

I AM One Who..
Melts for no one. I keep my protective shell around
that which is the sweetest and the best.
I share only with those who do the same.

I Am One Who...
has learned to look upward to learn how to fly,
to look inward to learn why,
to open up to others and say "Hi".
To build my home on solid ground,
to be ready to move forward
with an adventurous spirit of anticipation
and wonder of "what's next?"

I Am One Who...
always dreamed of being a cowgirl.
Dreams of the Wild West and the
open plains called to me.
I am one who has always marveled at the
sunsets and sunrises.
I have felt the hand of God on my shoulder
as I traveled through life.
Though sometimes in fear, I knew He was near.

I Am One Who...
Stands in the maze of amazement at
the twists and turns of life.
I look back on my journey.
I see the choices I have made in my fight to survive
and feel gratitude for the choices I have made.
My heart is filled with hope for the future.

Sarah Gallant

I Am One Who...

 is surrendering to the perfection of the larger pattern
of my essence Self, trusting in the process.

I Am One Who...
challenges you to follow your Inner Star
to the land of your dreams

I Am One Whose...
purpose is to heal long buried
emotional wounds.
My snows are those of purification;
my rabbit hole, starry spiral galaxies
from which my ancestors
originally arrived.  Their cumulative
wisdom pours through me now
as I chant under the ponderosa
pines, with the star as my shield.
There are no secrets, no skeletons left.
We are connected at last
as snowy owl takes flight.

Carmen Mumphrey

I Am One Who....
lightens my load today
There is no place where God is not.
I uplift my thoughts to spiritual vision
to overcome the prevailing thoughts
of doubt and fear.

I am One Who...
Lets nothing disturb the calm peace of my Soul.
I feel the peace that comes from
 knowing God is always with me.
I am centered in this peaceful, sacred, awareness.
I choose to encounter peace in
every circumstance and moment of my life.

I Am One Who...
when attacked from behind
beholds the Light within.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Michelle Chaney

I Am One Who....
 is guided by the gifts
given to me by Mother Nature,
my beautiful children, and the wisdom
from my life journey.

LaVerne Mumphrey

I Am One Who...
is a Bearer of the Light

I Am One Who...
feels peace and serenity
along the path,
among the trees.

Weltha Garrett

I Am One Who....
create your own

Karen Bryant

I Am One Who....
loves the music of waterfalls.

I Am One Who...
has struggled to be an artist

Alison Gorski

I Am One Who....
Enjoys the Beauty of Nature.

I Am One Who...
celebrates the hope of Spring

I Am One Who...
seeks the calm in a crazy world.


Alyson Dempsey

I Am One Who....
finds inspiration and wonder in the light of the sun
coming through a window of hope.
The hopeful sunlight laced with beautiful
colors gives me comfort
and encouragement to keep dancing to the music of life.

I Am One Who...
finds comfort in warm, soft, safe relationships.
I am one who yearns to experience the
innocent outlook and happiness once felt as a child.