We are fortunate to have alot of support at Recovery Center, for SoulCollage© and other interests, activities and learning opportunities that are important to us as individuals and as a group.
I'd like to thank Chris Pedoto, Program Manager, for his vision and leadership style that allows plenty of room for my co-workers and I to creatively initiate and utilize our talents and gifts and Angela Ostholhoff, Training Coordinator, for her support and willingness to include SoulCollage© on our schedule not once, but twice a week since January 2011.
Because of the support shown for SoulCollage©, (and for me/us) we have three trained facilitators in our midst; Michelle Chaney(2011) , Rita Brooks (2011), and me, (Sarah Gallant 2010).
Our friend and fellow avid soul-collager Carmen Mumphrey is going to be trained in just a couple of weeks (August 16-19, 2012).
We are never without supplies or short on encouragement or space to be creative. "Chef Christine' always provides us with wonderful snacks. Three of our friends and SoulCollage© facilitators from the community, Katherine Meyer , Sara Pranikoff , and Patricia Welling have often joined us for SoulCollage at Recovery Center.
We appreciate all of our Peers as well who continue to share in our SoulCollage© community and our collective journey to wholeness.
I'm deeply grateful to all at Recovery Center - you rock!
PS - I'm on leave of absence until at least the first of the year, yet will be updating the blog with whatever is sent to me. I can be reached by e-mail : sarahsnowowl@gmail.com