Mike Y, Carmen

Mike Young

"What happened in 2011 is what is going to happen in 2012. I'm going to have a better life and more happiness and laughter. And I love SoulCollage very much."

“I am one who loves sports of all kinds. I love competition
and try to play by the rules in the game of life”

Carmen Mumphrey

SoulCollage® allows me to experience the warmth and love of Soul.

SoulCollage®, to me, is needed, necessary, and fun. It's a fantastic way to

let my imagination run. It causes me to flourish and
expand as I trust my inner wisdom. I am ever grateful for the possibility to

write new chapters in my life with happy endings, so I urge you,

for the healing process of change to begin, suspend
your doubts, take a leap of faith, and create a desire to win.
Carmen Mumphrey

"I am one who is grateful for the start of a new journey, consciously and
creatively learning to live in the present moment. I am safe. I am free.
WOW, I can see the Light through the trees."