Monday, May 28, 2012

Karen Bryant

YES I Can!

I am one who believes in celebrating
my past loves.

Carmen Mumphrey

I am the one who is so immersed
in Recovery that former shadows
of fear and doubt are dissolved
into the truth.

I am opening my mind to the
boundless wisdom of universal intelligence.

This I believe and so it is

LaVerne Mumphrey


Recovery to me: My life in general,
as a whole. Recovery has helped me to
buckle down with my life.

 I am one who is going the distance in Recovery,
fully energized

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Eric Falstrom

on a mission searching for God the Father,
caught in rapids of life
trying to slow down passage of time,
sea glass: garbage redeemed as jewels

stopping to smell the flowers while amidst disorder
as if Nero fiddling while Rome burns,
atop spinning wheel playing to stop time,
selfless virtue of other leaders,
a voice for the people, varying dimensions

problem solving for honor and prosperity,

racing through education,
class clownfish, preparing for winter of discontent,
bouquet of food

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sarah Gallant

"I am the one who is committed to following
my bliss, allowing heart to lead the way."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Alyson Dempsey

I am one who is carefree and spreading love around,
magic, flowing, sprinking growth on the earth.

Elaine Tammy Smith

I am one who belongs to God.
I have given my heart to God.
I pray for others as well as for myself.
I am trying to accept the way others are
and not try to change them.
But I am trying not to accept all that I am.
I am trying to change for the better.

~The archetypal spiral represents spirit and life~

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eric Falstrom

serving Christ vs. serving money, blindness,
foreign controls for how best to live,
contrasting terrains  as bipolar metaphor,
feeling under water, ancient still moving in the present,
sea glass: garbage redeemed as jewels

imagining peace through music,
projecting peace through music,
more contrasting terrains as bipolar metaphor,
navigating unreal reality (canoeing over forest),
sea glass: garbage redeemed as jewels

more contrasting terrains as bipolar metaphor,
sea glass: garbage redeemed as jewels,
aiming true in the big picture,
mansion in heaven, things that tie together